martedì 21 gennaio 2014

inquinamento ambientale da trizio radioattivo in USA

Pubblico il testo originale della notizia in lingua inglese per dare una corretta idea dell'evento accaduto Martedì 21 gennaio 2014 alle 14:54 (02:54) UTC.
Per chi non volesse tradurla ,questo il riassunto dell'evento:
Nel sud Carolina (USA) E' stato rilevato la presenza, in una falda acquifera, di Trizio Radioattivo. questa anomala radioattività dovrebbe essere causata dalla presenza nella zona di un deposito enorme di scorie radioattive, dove molte delle centrali nucleari americane hanno sversato le loro scorie per anni,controlli sono in atto perchè sembra che questa radiosorgente si stia spostando verso un fiume della zona e la cosa potrebbe complicarsi. Le autorita'si dichiarano comunque attente e dicono di avere la situazione sotto controllo.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has confirmed the presence of a plume of radioactive tritium that is moving off the Barnwell Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facility in Barnwell, South Carolina. The contamination is moving through the groundwater and is headed southwest toward the Savannah River. Traces of it have been found in Mary Branch Creek as well. The Barnwell facility is located on 235 acres there were deeded to the state by Chem-Nuclear Systems. It is owned and operated by Energy Solutions. Since it began operations as a radioactive waste disposal facility in 1971, it has accepted over 27 million cubic feet of radioactive waste, mostly from nuclear power plants from across the country. Since July 2008, it has accepted waste only from the three member states of the Atlantic Compact: Connecticut, New Jersey and South Carolina. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has stated that increased risk of cancer and genetic abnormalities in future generations are the health risks associated with tritium. Although this is a "new" story, environmentalists claim this has been going on for years.

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